Military articles


Journal It

PUZZLES & CAMO BY SHELLY HUHTANEN Your pen will not judge you. Just promise yourself that if you write about the bad, you need to share all the goodness in your journal too. For the past few years, I have been writing a book discussing the challenges involved with raising a child with autism while

Financing A College Education

Saving for your child’s education while they are young should be a top priority when developing a financial plan for the future. Planning for college may mean putting money into a 529 plan, which grows tax-free as long as the earnings are used for college expenses. As your children get older, you’ll want to educate


25+ Ways To Save Money On Home Heating Costs

Although there’s not much you can do about the price of fuel, there are ways to use less energy and lower your heating eating bills. And some of these changes may entitle you to federal tax credits that can add to your savings. PAYING FOR FUEL The most obvious way to save on home heating
