Latest Stats, Facts & Numbers On Wheelchairs


KD Smart Chair recently released an infographic that visualizes the latest numbers, facts and figures on the history of wheelchairs, top wheelchair accessible countries to travel to, industry market outlook, employed wheelchairs users and much more.

The infographic reports interesting historical facts, including that 1869 was the year when the first wheelchair patent was issued in the United States. Also included is that in 1933 mechanical engineers Herbert Everest and Harry Jennings invented the first steel, lightweight, collapsible wheelchair. By the year 2018, manual wheelchair market is expected to reach $2.9 billion and $3.9 billion for power wheelchairs.


Currently there are 3.3 million wheelchair users in the United States and the number is expected to grow over the next few years, especially due to the large need among the baby boomer generation. At the moment, there are 1.825 million wheelchair users age 65 and above. Out of the working age wheelchair users, 17.4 percent have a job and 11.2 percent of adult wheelchair users have graduated from college.


For more facts and details about the latest statistics on wheelchair users and the industry market, please view the full infographic here:


