BY LAUREN AGORATUS, M.A.Families and individuals need to visualize what they want as goals to see if the program is a good “fit” and if they can picture the person in that environment.
A More Beautiful Parlor
Curabitur fermentum interdum urna sed iaculis. Morbi lacus nibh, aliquet sed consequat sed, congue vitae elit. Ut eget neque.
Keeping The Love Alive
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla massa.
Home For The Holly Holidays
Integer tempus sem dui, id pellentesque erat. Integer tempus ante ac urna molestie volutpat quis a eros. Ut vulputate, est.
You’ve Heard About it Many Times, But There Have Been Changes
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE & DENTISTRY BY H. BARRY WALDMAN, DDS, MPH, PHD AND STEVEN P. PERLMAN, DDS, MSCD, DHL (HON) THINGS YOU’VE HEARD 1. The prevalence of children with disabilities has continued to increase. 2.Male children have higher prevalence of disabilities than female children. 3. Children living in poverty experience the highest rates…