Title: Autistic Logistics: A Parent’s Guide to Tackling Bedtime, Toilet Training, Tantrums, Hitting, and Other Everyday Challenges
Author: Kate C. Wilde
Paperback & E-book
Have you ever wished that your child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) came with a manual? This book provides
just that, offering clear, precise, step-by-step advice on everything you want to know, including: How to toilet train your child without pushing or pressuring; How to get your child to sleep in their own bed and through the night; What to do when your child tantrums, hits or bites; How to introduce new foods, without a fight. Based on decades of experience, Kate Wilde tackles these day-to-day issues and more, using tried-and-tested techniques to help you transform the challenges of home life and create harmony. The unique approach featured in the book, which encourages you to support your child’s need for control rather than fight against it, can have transformative results. Not only will you learn to see through your child’s eyes and help your child in a way that honors his/her specialness, but you will also begin to free yourself from the pressure and discomfort that can so often accompany everyday challenges. Catering to all age ranges and points on the spectrum, this book will be of value to parents and caregivers of children with autism, other family members, as well as teachers and teaching assistants.
Title: The Essential Manual for Asperger Syndrome (ASD) in the Classroom
Author: Kathy Hoopmann
Perfect for time-poor teachers, Kathy Hoopmann’s essential handbook is an easy-to-navigate resource that promotes a positive learning environment in which students with Asperger syndrome (ASD) can thrive. Kathy’s ability to explain the ASD mind-set shines through as her concise descriptions reveal how to recognize and develop the child’s strengths to the fullest potential whilst guiding and mentoring through areas of difficulties. Full of effective and innovative strategies, the book covers areas such as meltdowns, forming friendships, literal thinking and speaking, and the overwhelming influence of sensory sensitivities. Activities to help explain the child’s behaviour to other students are also included which fosters understanding and acceptance. A ‘Home Link’ section adds vital information about how to work with parents and other caregivers to create safe, loving and fun environments for the child at home and at school. With illustrations throughout, this book will be of value to anyone who is working in a classroom setting with children with ASD.
Title: What Color is Monday?
Author: Carrie Cariello
Paperback & E-book
“One day Jack asked me, ‘What color do you see for Monday?’ ‘What?’ I said distractedly. ‘Do you see days as colors?” Raising five children would be challenge enough for most parents, but when one of them has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, life becomes a bit more chaotic, a lot more emotional, and full of fascinating glimpses into a unique child’s different way of thinking. In this moving memoir, Carrie Cariello invites us to take a peek into exactly what it takes to get through each day juggling the needs of her whole family. Through hilarious mishaps, honest insights, and heartfelt letters addressed to her children, she shows us the beauty and wonder of raising a child who views the world through a different lens, and how ultimately autism changed her family for the better.
Title: What to Feed an Asperger: How to Go from Three Foods to Three Hundred With Love, Patience and a Little Sleight of Hand
Author: Sarah Patten
Paperback & E-book
Packed full of tips and tricks to improve the diet of super sensitive Asperger kids, this book is a must read for parents who want to help their children overcome food avoidance and sensory sensitivities. Sarah Patten shows other parents that they are far from alone in their struggle to get their children to eat a varied and well-balanced diet. She describes how, through a combination of love, patience and a little sleight of hand, she managed to get her son to go from eating just three bland white foods to eating a colorful and nutritious diet including fruit and vegetables. Providing recipes for many simple, healthy meals given the Asperger seal of approval, as well as advice for making mealtime routines, eating together as a family and eating out as stress-free as possible, the book provides a wealth of ideas and strategies for moving towards a more varied and nutritious diet. It also includes food diaries and charts to make planning meals and tracking progress simple.•